Commission Sheet

Terms of Service

I. General

₁. The artist retains rightful claim and ownership to the commissioned piece. The artist will be able to use the piece as their commission samples, share it on social media, etc.

a. The commissioned piece is for PERSONAL use only. Commissioner may ONLY be able to use it as their profile picture, an addition to their OC's portfolio, use it as their lock screen/wallpaper, etc.
b.) Redistribution or reselling of the commissioned piece by the commissioner is NOT ALLOWED.
c.) The commissioner has the right to share the commissioned piece on any platform given that they ask permission from the artist and give proper credits.
d.) Commercial use of the commissioned piece - meaning using the piece as any way to promote the commissioner's business - is NOT ALLOWED. Please refer to Section III 2 regarding commercial use of commission.

₂. The artist has the right to refuse any requests for any personal reasons. Any content where they are made uncomfortable with the content or do not have the proper skillset to finish yet are highly likely to be refused.

₃. The commissioner must provide details for any specific arrangements they wish to include.

a.) References and/or moodboards are HIGHLY appreciated and encouraged!
b.) Failure to provide references may lead to
(1) the commissioned piece being subjected to the creativity to the artist. Meaning - the artist has free reign of design, accessories, background, etc. OR (2) the artist will refuse the request.

II. Turnaround

₁. Turnaround time may take a week to a month. May be subjected to change depending on complexity of the piece and schedule of artist.

₂. The artist must send progress updates within every 2 days to the commissioner. Early notice of any sudden appointments must be updated to the commissioner.

₃. Any major alterations - pose, outfit, background, etc - after the sketch is approved will have additional charges.

III. Payment

₁. The artist reserves the right to refuse issuing a full refund.

a.) Refund cannot be issued after sketch has been approved.
b.) Refund cannot be issued if commissioner decides to cancel the commission after payment.
c.) Refund will only be POSSIBLE if the artist cannot be able comply with the commission any further.

₂. An additional fee of 200% will be charged for any commission for commercial.

₃. Payment follows a 50/50 format. 50% of fee will be paid after the sketch is approved. Lineart process will not commence unless payment is received or a receipt is presented. Remaining 50% balance will be duly paid once the piece is finished, and before the artist sends the clear image.

₄. Accepted mode of payment is Paypal only.